Ticketing System Integrations

The organization lacked a comprehensive overview of issues and their resolutions, SLAs, ticket assignments, and effective management of ticket issue resolution


Launched ServiceNow, a global 24x7 ticket entry and resolution tracking system, including customized workgroup views.

  • API Integration with current MSP and SAP vendors

  • Automated dashboard and metrics reporting – no more spreadsheets!

  • Tracking of issues, assignment to specific team members, setting priorities, and monitoring progress

  • Mobile app for ease of ticket creation while traveling


  • Replaced 19,000 emailed issues with automated tickets for simple management

  • Allowed leadership to clearly track response times, escalation path, resolution times, and commensurate procedures

  • Identified patterns, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement.

  • Automated reporting allowed consolidated views of issues and resolutions

  • Enabled automation of assignment workflows

  • Allowed easy access to team members for training documentation within the platform